Friday, July 1, 2016

Burritos and other hazards of driving in Albuquerque

The other morning as I was heading out the door for work I received a traffic alert via a text message. It is a service provided by a local radio station. The alert said that West Bound I40 was closed at Carlisle, the direction I would soon be heading, because of a loose animal. This was around 0640. I thought to myself that by the time I got there, I was going to stop at the store and get milk, the police would have the situation taken care of and while traffic would be slow it would be moving. I stopped at the store and got my milk and by the time I was getting onto the interstate at Tramway and heading west it was just before 0700. As I approached the Louisiana off ramp I noticed, on one of the electronic signs that hang over the interstate giving updates on traffic conditions a message stating, “In celebration of the interstate closure at Carlisle several Albuquerque drives have decided to have a mutli-car pileup to further upset your commute.” Clearly someone was looking for another excuse for being late to work. “Apparently those red brake lights really do mean traffic isn’t moving,” thought the person reading their text messages as they plowed into the back of one of the stopped cars.

Normally I would just slither along with the traffic in order to rubber neck but this particular morning I wasn’t in the mood. I was anxious to get to work in order to check out the cooling capacity of our new refrigerator by putting my newly purchased milk in it, and yes to have a nice cup of coffee with said cold milk. So, rather than sit in a line of slow moving traffic I got off the interstate at Louisiana. Driving down Central Avenue on my way to Yale Boulevard I drove passed the Frontier restaurant and it occurred to me that I had not had one of their breakfast burritos in a very long time. A quick U-turn at the next available left turn bay brought me quickly back to that breakfast burrito! My motto for the day was, “When life hands you lemons, have a breakfast burrito.” Wow, what a morning; first some milk for my coffee and then a delicious burrito for breakfast.

So, where am I going with this discussion anyway? Well, unlike most Albuquerque drivers who seem to be just scurrying around like cockroaches when the light is turned on, in their 2-ton death traps looking for their next accident, I am heading toward telling you just how bad the drivers are in this city.

You see, Albuquerque doesn’t have a traffic problem in the sense that there are too many cars for the carrying capacity of the roads, like for example Los Angles. No, what Albuquerque has is just a boat load of very bad drivers and for some reason they are always trying their best to be in everyone’s way, including their own. To give you some statistics, if you take any 10 drivers on the road at any given instant, 25 of them will be some of the most horrid drivers ever encountered. Now you ask, “How is that possible?”  It is possible because it seems that all of the bad drivers move here from every other place on the planet and then breed more bad drivers. But then you say, “No, that is not what I was asking, I was asking how is that 25 out of 10 drivers are bad? That just doesn’t make sense.” To which I answer, “You are right, it doesn’t make any sense to have that many bad drivers all in one place.” Now you are looking at me with desperate exasperation. “NO, NO, NO!” You yell, “I mean how is it possible to have 250% of all drivers being bad drivers?” Again, I have to answer, “Albuquerque is just unlucky I guess.” I mean New Mexico ranks last in just about every category including drivers. Now you are really irate, so you leave in a major huff, get into your car and drive off and engage in major acts of road rage, including driving headlong into the back grandma’s 1965 Lincoln Continental as she lollygagged down the interstate at 31 miles per hour. Your car never stood a chance and all the impact did to grandma was to knock her dentures out of her mouth; she’s still trying to find them.

Your funeral services would have been next Tuesday but the hearse carrying your coffin slammed into the back of a line of cars stopped on the interstate waiting for the police to round up some animal running loose in traffic with a what appeared to be a huge toothy smile – caused a hell of a mess – cars burning, including the hearse. I managed to get off the interstate at Louisiana and avoid the mess – and that is how I got my breakfast burrito! So, I guess I owe you a big thank you!

Happy Driving Albuquerque!

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